May 29, 2020

Pastor Lee and Gidget AtheyNew Trails

Each of my children are different. My youngest daughter loves to walk in nature. She would much rather take a hike in the woods than be on some flat pavement or concrete. New Trails

To her the woods are her resting place. She loves the fresh air and she can’t wait to see all the wildlife. Her sense of adventure says, “The newer trail is the better one.” Even if that means she is going to blaze a new trail herself.

In life, God is tugging at our hearts and whispering to follow Him. He wants to take us down a new trail. You could say it is the road less traveled. Unfortunately most will not choose this path. They will want to go down their own road with everyone else.

But God is saying, “Follow Me.” Surrender your life to me and follow Me down the path that I will show you. The Apostle Paul chose this path and this is what he had to say about it.

ACTS 20:24

“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me -— the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.”

Paul's commitment to following God’s path seems extreme to many. He was willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of completing the path God had given Him.

We can’t be afraid to take the path that God is calling us too. It is time to break the routine of life and begin following the adventure God has for you.

Let us pray!


Pastor Lee & Gidget Athey